Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Perfect Day

My friend, Susie, came to visit from Portland. She is a fun gal that has her own business selling Cabi clothing. We had a couple evenings of fun where all my friends could try on all the clothes and just play dress up. :)

During her visit we had A Perfect Day

7:45 Wake up and leisurely enjoy morning coffee in your pj's all the while chatting about your family and years of memories.

9:30 Go through my closet piece by piece and let her "purge" all the frocks that looked good back in the day....maybe. I would say trust had been accomplished at this point.

11:00 Put on some make up to head out for lunch. Jump into a very sexy white 350Z convertible and enjoy the fresh Arizona scenery and sunshine.

Now you must know, at this point it is non-weather. This happens when you are not cold, you are not hot, there is no wind and you are entirely, perfectly comfortable.

12:15 We arrive for lunch at The Royal Palm. The valet greets us with a smile and comments on how "stylin" we are. perfect.

One of the best spots in a city full of nice resorts is T Cooks. Our lunch was savory and completed with a glass of dry rose (you have to try it) for Susie and predictable but scrumptious cab for me.

1:45 Back in the Z to head out to the ShiShi Scottsdale Fashion Square mall. Since Susie has a "passion for fashion" to say the least, I knew she would LOVE this place. We head down to the perfume counter at Nordies to try a new scent as we walked around the stores, perusing the spring sandal styles in the shoe salon, and strolling our way to the store where my joy is to feel the purses(like buttah) as they are definitely WAY out of my price range. Pressing on, we got to Nieman's where Susie found what she was looking for- a lovely lingerie to put "the girls" where they should be....perfect.

3:00 Weary from mall overstimulation, we headed home, but stopped at my FAV coffee place-- DUTCH BROS. The girl there commented on how much she loved our style.(exactly what two fifty-somethings want to hear!) Again, perfect.

3:45 We arrive home to prepare for the Cabilicious party. I turn on my IPOD and the Steely Dan tune Hey 19 comes on.....PERFECTOMUNDO! When that happens you are instantly transported into a good place.

7:00 Friends descend and go crazy throwing clothes everywhere and trying on everything. Hallelujah for a little spandex I say. ...perfect

Perfect Days End note to self: Aahhhhh....relaxing and enjoyable and now an even better friendship.

Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends we choose.-Hsich

Monday, February 8, 2010

Get Motivated!

Last week I attended the Get Motivated seminar here in Phoenix. It was held at two venues an hour apart where they helicoptered the speakers in to the arena. It was an interesting day...overall it was a very patriotic day for me.

First up was Mr. Congeniality and Good Looking of the NFL, Kurt Warner.

Unfortunately, I was HERE.

It took me 2hours and 15 minutes to get to the arena due to a massive traffic jam that stopped Phoenix commuters in their tracks due to a motor home roll over in the median of I-10. (The older couple and their little dog were okay.) So I missed Kurt, but he was good according to my friends.

Next up--- Rudy Giuliani

He spoke on leadership. He noted that leaders are made, educated, developed, and stressed professional and personal development. His mentor while he was a prosecutor told him to prepare 4 hours for every hour in court. He told a great story of 9-11 where many of the emergency plans they used for this horrible disaster were really many different preparations for other things....and he also told us his campaign slogan when he ran for mayor of NYC---"I Can't Do Worse". HA! Loved that! He also talked about how in this information age we are bombarded with so much information= information overload!! He said it is important to:
2.Listen (you learn when you listen)
3.Debate (this helps develop ideas and your ideology)
4.Write (goals/meetings/journals)
5.Think (take the time to have quiet)

Onward to

Laura Bush
She had a professionally written speech and she delivered it very well! She looked perfectly coiffed. There were heartwarming stories of being in the White House on 9-11 and watching the news in Senator Ted Kennedy's office. She also told of finally seeing her husband in a place below the White House late that night....she talked of how she felt when others criticized her husbands very difficult decisions--- she said after all of their years together she "knew" what kind of person she was and what kind of person George was and the decisions that were made were always with the absolute best interest of America. She is still promoting reading for children.

I really enjoyed Steve Forbes. He is a great communicator. He discussed how our economy got to where it is and his ideas to bring it back. He said we need to do two things: Stabilize the U.S.Dollar and Reduce Taxes. He expounded on the need to repair the Federal Income Tax Code (because it is about 500 gazillion pages long leaving no one able to follow all the information) and suggested that we need a 17% flat tax. My feeling is that we are in for an incredible tax crunch that will not fix the problem.

Then this guy

You just kind of sit up and take notice when the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell takes the stage! He was enjoyable and told how life is different now than when he walked down a red carpet to his private plane that took him to all places in the world. He also told stories about Soviet President Gorbachev during the Reagan administration. He said to look through the windshield, not the rear view mirror!

This was the only speaker by video feed....Steve Nash

When asked how to stay motivated, Steve said to love what you do and to build in work habits to pull you through times you don't feel motivated! He said to compete with yourself and strive to improve and critique yourself.

This was the gal that put the seminar together, Tamara Lowe.

She was a good presenter. Her encouragement was to GET PAST YOUR PAST! Don't worry about what people think of you. Losers make excuses! She also discussed the spiritual side of success. She said we all have a sense of destiny, that we are here for a purpose and we are to be world changers. She said to ask ourselves: "What is the problem the I am here to answer?" I guess she used to be a drug user/dealer...and now a motivational speaker. She ended her presentation with this "rap"--

There were a couple other speakers there, mostly financial guys regarding investing with separate seminars you could sign up for. Oh yes, Zig Ziglar was there with his daughter....I had seen him about 8 years ago. He speaks such great truths! He said to do the right thing.....and many benefits will come from that. He also said that money cannot buy a home, piece of mind or a good nights sleep. His final thought shared of course, was "you can have everything you want if you help other people get what they want."

In all it was a good day, a day where they talked about the great country that America is, and how proud everyone should be of our military. I enjoyed getting to see and hear from successful people. Now to take what I heard, learn some good things and be able to put it into practice!