Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Big Shout Out

Wow! Can you believe these numbers? All of this in the worst recession year since the great depression? Our company is taking off!!

Side note: did you see the gal in the green coat at about 1:10????

Joe and I just finished a fabulous, inspiring, motivating, challenging, fulfilling and fun Univera weekend right here in Phoenix along with about 750 other leaders called Go Diamond.

We are looking for a few more business partners. The global expansion this year opens up all kinds of possibilities! Personally, I hope to find a way to grow into Australia--how fun would that be to travel 'down under' and spread the great health benefits we enjoy with these products and give financial opportunity as well! I am so thankful for all of the new friends we are making. Let me know if you, or someone you know, might be interested!!

Why do my bangs always split like that????


  1. You look amazing. You're absolutely beautiful, bang split and all. Seriously, that's the first thought I had when I saw that picture of you two. :) Glad you're enjoying your venture.
