Sunday, October 4, 2009


I'm not here to discuss the pleasures of that particular rock band, (although I think Steve Perry was an incredible voice and loved the use of this song by The Sopranos finale in 2007), but I am starting this blog in hopes of inspiring others to join me in a journey of health, wellness and renewal.

Over the past three years I have experienced a makeover in my physical health goals after coming in contact with a life changing company called UNIVERA. Simply put, Univera makes natural products for the purpose of changing the world's health....and it has definitely done that for little old Diane from Kansas. (and Toto, too) Check it out by clicking on the Univera logo on my sidebar.

I have learned that we can alter the way we experience the aging process. Because of this change in me, I am willing to learn this crazy computer gizmo called a blog in hopes of building a little community to be inspiring to and inspired by others.

P.S. Thanks to my daughter for her techno-saavyishness in helping me even though I must endure her ridicule because I can't remember how to do it a second time and she has to show me AGAIN!

I want to share things of The Good Life- --and this consists not only about health, but of spiritual, financial, business, family, and relationships as well. If we only have an allotted time to spend here on this earth, why not focus on these things and hopefully grow to the point where we have significance?

Gotta love A Good Life.


  1. man, your daughter seems like a real class act! I think you should reward her by going out to babysit her twins. I mean, that's what I would do anyway!

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere, Diane! So cool...

    You are absolutely right. If we're here, we might as well stack our deck and do it right. I'm excited to read your blog. Reminders that help any of us live a fullier, healthier, happier life are always worth considering.

    It's great that you're blogging! You'll get the hang of it and be a pro in no time. You're a smart chick. Good luck!
